Fertility Testing

Fertility testing at the Center for Reproductive Medicine

In order to effectively treat fertility conditions, we must first understand what causes them

At the Center for Reproductive Medicine, we’re proud to provide a full range of fertility testing procedures from the comfort of our Orlando, Florida-area offices.

Physical examinations

While many of the most common fertility problems are due to hormonal factors, physical problems can also cause infertility issues. There are several fertility testing procedures that can be used to detect blockages, malformations and other conditions that interfere with conception in both men and women.

Hormonal evaluations

There are several hormones that are vital to the normal functioning of the female reproductive system. There are also many conditions that can disturb the natural balance of these hormones. Through the use of blood tests, we can measure the amounts of estrogen, androgens, progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and other hormones in your system at different points during your menstrual cycle. This can give us the information we need to perform more specific fertility testing or recommend a type of treatment.

We can also perform hormonal evaluations for men to uncover any imbalances or genetic issues that may contribute to male infertility.


An ultrasound is an effective fertility testing device and by far the least invasive method of assessing internal bodily structures. By using sound waves to create a picture, an ultrasound can confirm the size, shape and position of the reproductive organs, as well as indicate issues like uterine fibroids, adhesions or cysts in women.

Hysterosaplingogram (HSG)

By injecting X-ray contrast liquid into the uterine cavity and monitoring its progress through the reproductive system, we can detect blockages in the fallopian tubes as well as a uterine septum or other abnormalities. This fertility testing technique is sometimes used in combination with a treatment procedure known as tubal cannulization.

Endometrial biopsy

A sample of the endometrium (the uterine lining) is obtained by inserting a small, catheter-like device into the uterus through the cervical canal. The tissue sample is then sent for laboratory analysis to rule out infection or inflammation in the uterine lining; this may also help to determine if the endometrium is prepared for implantation.

Diagnostic minimally invasive surgery

Although we generally use the least invasive fertility testing procedures possible, some conditions can be definitively diagnosed or ruled out only through direct visual assessment. Laparoscopy involves making one or more very small incisions to examine the exterior of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries, while hysteroscopy focuses on the interior of the uterus and does not require any incisions at all.

Semen analysis

For men struggling with infertility, a semen analysis can reveal issues with semen volume and consistency, as well as sperm count, morphology (shape) and motility (movement).

Based on the results of your fertility testing, our reproductive endocrinologists will work closely with you on a treatment plan to correct any underlying obstructions or organ damage interfering with your fertility. We can also recommend fertility preservation services and medical-assisted reproduction options like in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Frequently asked questions

  • A fertility test is a diagnostic procedure to uncover the underlying cause of infertility (defined as the inability to become pregnant after a year of unprotected sex, or difficulties maintaining a pregnancy and preventing a miscarriage).

    The providers at Center for Reproductive Medicine offer on-site fertility testing for both men and women. Depending on your unique needs, we can determine which type of fertility test is right for you.

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