Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) at the Center for Reproductive Medicine

In order to effectively treat fertility conditions, we must first understand what causes them. The Center for Reproductive Medicine provides a full range of fertility testing procedures at our Central Florida-area offices, including hysterosalpingograms (HSG).

By injecting X-ray contrast liquid into the uterine cavity and monitoring its progress through the reproductive system, we can detect blockages in the fallopian tubes, as well as a uterine septum or other abnormalities that could cause infertility or pregnancy complications. This fertility testing technique is also sometimes used in combination with a treatment procedure known as tubal cannulization.

HSGs are typically performed during the first half of your menstrual cycle (days 6-11), when the cycle is no more than spotting and before ovulation, to reduce the risk of your being pregnant.

Frequently asked questions

HSG is short for hysterosalpingography. It's a type of X-ray procedure that lets us look inside your uterus and fallopian tubes to detect potential blockages and abnormalities that could cause infertility or could adversely affect pregnancy.

Contact the Center for Reproductive Medicine for more information on the HSG procedure and other fertility testing services we offer.
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What to know about HSG

  • Diagnostic X-ray procedure

    Lets us detect abnormalities that could cause infertility or pregnancy complications

  • Quick and minimally invasive

    Typically performed in under half an hour